Francesca de Franco

PhD student


Hi, I am Francesca!

My research focuses on digital quantum simulations of quantum many-body systems. As a concrete example, I investigate the Floquet random circuit, a model used to study many-body localization. We employ variational methods to optimize the circuit for targeted quantum devices, reducing the circuit depth and enhancing their suitability for NISQ devices.

I am also interested in the dynamics of quantum many-body systems in non- equilibrium settings, such as the dynamics at first-order and continuous quan- tum transitions, whether they evolve unitarily or interact with environments.

Short CV

since 2023PhD student at FZ Jülich (PGI-8) and University of Regensburg
2020-2022Master in Physics at the University of Pisa
2018-2020Bachelor in Physics at the University of Calabria